Royalty Free Meditation Scripts

Are you passionate about helping others cultivate mindfulness and inner peace? If so, “The 5-Minute Meditation Trio” is the perfect tool to help you take your meditation coaching to the next level!

With these powerful meditation scripts, you can guide your clients through a journey of self-discovery and acceptance with the “Loving-Kindness Meditation.” Help them cultivate gratitude and abundance with the “Thankfulness MeditationGratitude Meditation,” and guide them through a relaxation practice to release work-related stress with “Letting Go Of The Day Meditation.”

Imagine offering your clients various meditations to choose from, each designed to help them overcome specific challenges and cultivate positive qualities in their lives.

Whether you’re just starting out as a meditation coach or looking to expand your offerings, “The 5-Minute Meditation Trio” is the perfect tool to help you create engaging and practical guided meditations that will make a real difference in the lives of your clients.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform the lives of those around you through the power of meditation!

With The 5-Minute Meditation Trio you:

  • Get three powerful guided meditation scripts
  • Save time and effort by using pre-written scripts
  • Help clients achieve self-love, being kind to themselves, gratefulness and letting go of stress
  • Build a reputation for providing high-quality guided meditations
  • Can use the scripts in an unlimited number of guided meditations

Read the complete scripts below before purchasing your license.

Thankfulness Meditation

A beautiful and powerful practice designed to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in your life. This guided meditation will lead you on a journey of self-reflection, helping you to acknowledge and recognize the goodness and kindness of others and to embrace the positive aspects of your life circumstances.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

This practice is about cultivating positive emotions towards yourself and others, including those who may have caused harm.

Through visualization and affirmations, this meditation will help you tap into the infinite love and compassion that resides within you. Feel the warmth and comfort of the bright green light shining in your chest area, expanding and filling your entire body.

Letting Go Of The Day Meditation

Experience a relaxing journey of release and tranquility. Take a few deep breaths, let go of any tension or worries, and imagine yourself in a serene natural environment.

Allow yourself to fully embrace the present moment and express gratitude for this moment of self-care. You deserve a peaceful and tranquil evening; this meditation is the perfect way to end your day.

Get the Trio

Get the meditation scripts in PDF format with our generous royalty-free license. You can record and sell unlimited guided meditations based on our script, and you’re free to edit, add or remove parts of the scripts to adjust it to your clients. Check full license

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The Meditation Scripts

As a preview for you. You need to obtain a valid license before using them.

Guides - ~ min long

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Letting Go Of The Day Meditation - ~5 min long

Good evening and welcome to this Letting Go Of The Day Meditation; thank you for being here and joining me. Letting go of the day means releasing any attachment or holding to the events, emotions, or thoughts of the day that have passed.

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of this meditation. You may choose to sit or lie down, whichever is most comfortable for you. Slowly close your eyes, and notice how you feel this evening.

Let’s begin by taking a few deep breaths. Breathe slowly and deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly and completely through your mouth.

As you breathe, become aware of any areas in your body where you may be holding tension or discomfort. Simply notice these areas without judgment, and with each exhale, allow them to release and soften. Breathe in calmness into your muscles, and exhale all the strain.

Now, bring to mind any thoughts or worries that may be weighing your mind. Is there something that happened today that makes you overthink?

Visualize these thoughts as clouds passing by in the sky. Observe them as they drift away without attaching any importance or emotion to them. Watch your thoughts, become an observer of them, accept them, and let them go.

Allow yourself to become fully present at this moment. Let go of any thoughts about the past or future and be here, in this present moment, together with your respiration.

Continue to breathe and relax.

Visualize yourself in a peaceful, serene place. This could be a beach, a forest, a mountain top, or any natural spot that brings you a sense of calm.

Continue to imagine yourself in your natural place, walking or doing anything that makes you feel good.

As we come to the end of this practice, take a few moments to express gratitude for taking this time for self-care and relaxation.

When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to come back to your external reality.

Thank you for practicing this meditation with me. Have a peaceful and tranquil evening.

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Loving-Kindness Meditation - ~5 min long

Loving-kindness, also known as metta, is a term used in Buddhist teachings and refers to a state of unconditional love and compassion towards yourself and others. It is a practice of cultivating positive emotions towards yourself and all living beings, including friends, family, strangers, and even those who may have caused harm.

Begin this meditation by finding a comfortable seated position. Take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, connecting with this present moment. Allow your body to relax, and let go of any tension or stress from this day. Gently close your eyes, and relax your forehead and jaw as you breathe out.

Now, bring your attention to your heart center. Place your left hand over your heart, and take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to feel the warmth and energy of your heart space.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine a bright green light shining in your chest area. This light represents the love and compassion that you have within you. This is the infinite energy you can tap into anytime you wish.

Visualize this light expanding and filling your entire body, from your toes to the top of your head. Allow yourself to embrace the warmth and comfort of this light. Observe any sensation that may come into your body and breathe in more love exhaling all the hate.

Repeat the following affirmations to yourself:

I accept myself just as I am.

<Pause 5 seconds between each affirmation>

I am worthy of love and acceptance. I forgive myself for any mistakes or shortcomings. I am enough, just as I am.

As you repeat these affirmations, notice any feelings or emotions that arise in your body. If you feel any discomfort or resistance, simply observe it without judgment, and return your attention to your breathing and to the infinite love which radiates from your heart.

Slowly become aware of your external reality. Breathe deeply and stretch your body slightly. Notice how you feel after this self-love session and smile.

When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, and continue this day filled with love, kindness, and joy. Make this a daily practice to cultivate loving-kindness towards yourself and others. You deserve to feel loved, cared for, and at peace.

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Thankfulness Meditation - ~5 min long

Thankfulness is the quality or feeling of being grateful and appreciative of the blessings, benefits, and positive experiences in your life. It involves acknowledging the goodness and kindness of others and recognizing the positive aspects of one’s circumstances.

Begin this thankfulness meditation by finding a comfortable seated position on a folded blanket or on a chair. Take a moment to settle into your body, feeling the weight of your sit bones on the surface beneath you, and lengthen your spine. Allow your hands to rest in your lap or on your knees, and gently close your eyes.

Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any tension or stress you may be holding in your muscles and mind. Continue to breathe deeply, allowing each inhalation to fill you with calm and each exhalation to release worries and stress.

Gently return to your normal breathing and notice how you feel in this moment; what is the first thing you can be grateful for? Your breathing, health, or simply this present moment.

Now, bring to mind a very important thing from your life.

It could be anything that made your life easier; it can even be a goal you achieved or something simple and very important such as your health. Send gratitude for this thing in your life, and feel the warmth expanding and your whole being radiating gratitude and light.

As you continue to breathe deeply, allow yourself to feel the sense of gratitude and thankfulness growing within you, making you feel so protected, loved, and secure.

Take a moment now to sit with this feeling of gratitude and thankfulness.

Allow yourself to feel it fully, without judgment or expectation. Know that this sense of gratitude and appreciation is always available to you whenever you need it.

As you prepare to end this meditation, take one final deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any remaining tension or stress. Take this feeling of thankfulness with you after this practice and smile.

Wiggle your fingers and toes, and gently open your eyes. Take a moment to thank yourself for taking this time to cultivate a sense of gratitude in your being, and continue this day filled with joy, love, and compassion.

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By purchasing resources (“item” or “file”) you are being granted a license to use these files for specific uses under certain conditions. Ownership remains with, and you are required to abide by the following licensing terms.


You can use the scripts in your audible meditations in class, or your meditation recordings, YouTube videos, etc., and you can sell your guided meditation recordings using our scripts. Worldwide - nonexclusive and revocable license (see below).

You can do

  • Record, share, and sell your audible meditation in audio or video
  • Speak them in online and offline classes
  • During client session
  • Sell your guided meditation recordings or give them away for free
  • You can also edit the scripts to your liking, leave parts out or add them as you see fit.

You can NOT do

  • Claim copyright or ownership of the script. It still belongs to
  • Editing the scripts and then giving away or selling those scripts as yours or claiming copyright for your it.

License Revocation

Should you violate the license terms or invalidate your purchase like a refund or causing a chargeback, your license is immediately void and you have to remove any work you've created using our scripts at your cost.